Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Talismin, Lost in Time

       In Cymmeria, an old race of people discovered the first paper from the rare akef tree. The people cut odd runes in crude paper for their gods. By amazing luck the paper was the most perfectly aero-dynamic creation in the world. If thrown into the wind it will fly away never to be seen again. The people thought the gods were taking the paper in thanks when in reality it was soaring away. Carved in stone the design was found by a 1934 explorer Jim Reelmann. The people used a mesurment know today as akefs, named after the tree. 1 akef is exactly 3.14 inches. Traces of akef tree is found in common printer paper so printer paper will work fine.

This is the design for the The Talismin. Remember use akefs for the mesuring! The paper won't be perfect but it may fly up to 200 ft. in the air without touching the ground if done right.

This is a rare akef tree shot taken by Dr. Hender, an explorer in Cymmeria. Almost no one knows about akef trees, which is odd because it is commonly found in coffee and grape juice.

This 3D model of dragon bones found near the tablet suggest the dragons helped in the tablets creation. Although the government hides them and says they're just dinosaur bones they are unlike any dinosaur and they are too fresh so they can only be a dragon.

The Angry Leprechaun, Banned in 75 Countries

I am Dr. Ivan Doroschuk, Russian rocket scientist and Singer/Songwriter. This is a small amount of Information I am allowed post on internet.

After the "Angry Leprechaun Incident, " a terrible accident involving my secret paper airplane designs leaving one dead and many wounded, even the knowledge of how to build them is now banned in 75 countries, including the United States and my home country of Russia!

These early prototype is close, but not the actual design, which I'm not allowed to upload.
The prototype has gone 100 mph. in a flight but this is only about half of the actual plane. My father worked on the plane with Colonel Sanders, later the founder of KFC, in Kentucy for 2 years. It seems about 3/10 employs at KFC establishments know some parts of the plane and clues can be found in KFC cups and wrappers around the world.
I'm not able to say much else about the Angry Leprechaun, but in the future I may have more...